Carl D.
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Carl D. liked the comment on Img 8383
just a good "Blues Cliche' Disinfectant" does the trick.......Read more

Carl D. posted a comment on the photo Img 8383
I'm amazed this guitar still works after I bluesed it up 30 years ago.......Read more

Carl D. posted a comment on the article new band project/record- video premiere this coming Friday April 30th!
Can you ask Steve Ferrone what happened to Prince's guitar at the end of his solo on "that version" of While My Guitar Gently Weeps .. he throws it in the air and it literally disappears. Steve was on drums.......Read more

Carl D. posted a comment on the video Swamp Trance (with Mark Egan and Arjun Bruggeman)
I could listen to this all day.......Read more

Carl D. posted a comment on the video Inner Flame (with Mark Egan and Arjun Bruggeman)
This is killer!......Read more

Carl D. posted a comment on the video La. Jukebox TV show- live set 2001
The world needs more of THIS!......Read more