MOJO Member (Level 1)
MOJO Member (Level 1)

Become a member of MOJO VIP to access full video content, streaming and more!
Thank you for being a fan and supporting my music by considering purchasing the Mojo VIP package! By doing so you are showing your support during these difficult times for not only myself but musicians and creative artists everywhere.
For $5.00 a month - about as much as a cup of coffee at your local coffee shop, or a bottle of fancy water ;) you'll get
1.- Access to exclusive content- I will be posting new music, mini "MOJO" instructional lessons, behind the scenes vids etc... in the upcoming months as I continue to build the site and the community online. I will not upload this music to Spotify, YouTube or any other streaming mediums. The only place you will get this new content is here on my site. As a Mojo VIP member I will unlock all of these various videos, MP3s and other content for you to enjoy.
2. 8 downloads. After after signing up you will get 8 instant downloads taken from each of my solo records and EP.
3. Streaming of my entire catalog.
4. Discounts on upcoming Mojo Dojo livestreams, masterclasses and private lessons. If you are a guitarist this may be of particular interest to you, as I will offer a weekly livestream and limited slots for private instruction. You'll get first dibs on scheduling for these events.