MOJO Member (Level 1)
Dear Ellen (Mp3, Notation and guitar TAB)
From the Vault
Four Song EP
New Orleans Funk Guitar Styles (MP3s ONLY)
Dear Ellen (MP3, Notation and TAB)
Highway 90: Download ONLY
Le Combo! EP (Download only- for CD/download scroll down)
Highway 90 (Download Only)
The Grease Factor: CD+ Download
The Grease Factor
Still Motion
Still Motion CD+ Download
Dirty Power
Monster Picking Vol 2
Building Monster Picking Technique is back with Vol 2!
Five more all new and original etudes to stretch your abilities and build chops that you didn't even know you had! These challenging examples are great to work into your personal practice routine.
Each example is played at 2 tempos and includes standard notation, TAB and all MP3s as well as the original GP5 Guitar Pro Files.
...Monster Picking Vol. 1
By popular demand - I present you Vol. 1 of Monster Picking Technique. This is a collection of 5 original picking "etudes" that I composed to use in my own personal practice routines. It will help you develop a clean, fast picking hand if you follow along. These are not normal picking exercises that can be very boring to practice and listen to- instead these are musical, challenging mini compositions that you will find fun to play and practice. All examples are demonstrated with the included MP3s at both fast and slow tempos. Standard notation, TAB and Guitar Pro GP5 files are provided along with my recommended fingerings.
Instant download- PDF/MP3's.
...Stripped Down! Vol. 1
Mojo VIP Member Album
Funky Vamps
Modern Funk Fusion Guitar Soloing (BOOK)
Learn how to combine the best elements of Funk, RnB, Blues and Jazz to create the cutting-edge style you want for your guitar...