Spice Up Your Solos and a Funky Old Gibson 330!

Let me show you how to spice up your solos by making the "3rd your friend." I'll also tell you a short story on this funky old vintage Gibson 330 which I "rescued" and have put to good use since owning it for the last 9 years.  @TheRiotguitar 

Jonathan  C.

Dang...won't open on Android device. I am in the market to rescue a worthwhile guitar.Just not sure if I want to look into an arch top or am I good enough to play a hollow body? Last electric I had was an ESP Strat (1988?). I got rid of it.Because I could never plug it in anywhere!

Shane T.

Time for a pawn shop trip or two!

Betty L.

Awesome, love the history on your Gibson 330. Love the show and listening to you play.

Shane T.

Thank you Betty!